Del Mar Fair, 2014

Del Mar Fair, 2014 builds on the Mash-Up technique most completely developed in early 2014 from overlaid images of street art photographed in Buenos Aires, Argentina.  Here, the overlaid images from the Fair capture the whimsy, carnival atmosphere, and diversity of visual experience on the fairgrounds.  These images also accomplish my original objective (from the series Del Mar Fair, 2012) to represent in single, overlaid images a visual experience ordinarily not possible with the naked eye. 

Each image in Del Mar Fair, 2014 has been created by overlaying two, full-frame, 60-MPx photographs of real objects seen at the Fair.  I remain indebted to the artists who created the fair art.  Much like the street art in Buenos Aires, I have contributed nothing to the original artwork; rather I have contributed the unlikely combination of works not intended to be seen together.  Therein lies the new visual experience: each new image a chimera of sorts!

Click on the thumbnails to see the full images.


Graffiti Mash-Up, 2014


Del Mar Fair, 2013